D CIDE TRAUMEREI is an RPG inspired by the hit Japanese anime directed by Yoshikazu Kon. The plot of the series is about a young man named Ryuhei who has to face some very strange dreams that are halfway between light and darkness. Your goal is to help the protagonist to get rid of countless monsters while you discover the mystery that surrounds the entire city of Shibuya.
In D CIDE TRAUMEREI you'll have excellent graphics that will immerse you in this anime universe right from the very first round you play. One of the key points of the game is that you'll also be shown certain conversations between the protagonists so you'll be able to get a more up-close look at the story.
However, the most fun and intense part of D CIDE TRAUMEREI comes with the battles against dark creatures. Here, the game offers you an interesting perspective of the assaults where you'll face waves of enemies. On the right side of the screen you'll be able to select the different attacks you'll use to diminish your opponents' life. Of course, you can't forget about defense, to make sure Ryuhei doesn't suffer too much damage.
After the death of Ryuhei's brother, nothing has been the same. In D CIDE TRAUMEREI you'll have to advance through each area of Shibuya as you experience exciting battles and kill all the creatures that are sowing chaos among the inhabitants of this city. This is how you'll prove you've got what it takes to defeat evil as you discover numerous secrets and accept the most entertaining missions.